Senior School Academics
An internationally competitive academic curriculum
One of Roedean’s greatest strengths is the standard of its academic programme. Roedean is a school which is steeped in tradition and, while the curriculum that is offered reflects the traditional values of the school, it is dynamic, and continues to be both relevant and exciting.
Academic Curriculum
The five-year journey through the national curriculum culminates in the writing of the National Senior Certificate Examinations of the Independent Examinations Board.
The Senior School academic journey commences in the GET phase (General Education & Training) for Lower and Middle V (Grades 8 and 9). Here, part of the curriculum has been re-designed to address academic stress, and a variety of assessment methods are used.
From Upper V (Grade 10), the pupils enter the Further Education & Training (FET) phase, which prepares them to write Matric in their final year of school (Grade 12). In addition to the four compulsory subjects, there is a wide range of subjects on offer from which to select their three electives, including a number of foreign languages.
Although we follow the national curriculum, we do add extra value to it, striving to equip our pupils with the special skills that will be required in the 21st Century. With the present explosion in knowledge, pupils must be equipped to access, analyse and evaluate information; they require excellent cognitive and social skills. There is extensive use, throughout the curriculum, of Information Technology, whilst a special Cognitive Education Programme, which began in earnest in 2011, focuses on developing critical and creative thinking skills, and encourages self-directed learning. It also aims to develop responsible citizens who are aware of topical issues and are able to consider and evaluate possible solutions.
Senior School Staff
Our Teachers
A team of highly qualified, experienced and deeply committed teachers work to assist Roedean learners to achieve to the best of their ability. The five-year journey through the national curriculum culminates in the writing of the National Senior Certificate Examinations of the Independent Examinations Board.
There is a wide range of subjects on offer, including a number of foreign languages. Each year, we are filled with pride when we receive the results of our Matric pupils as these are, without fail, quite superb. While we are always thrilled by a large number of distinctions, we often derive even greater joy from the achievements of those pupils who have required significant, sustained support to obtain their certificates.
Senior School Academics
Academic Curriculum Highlights
LV and MV Curriculum
Part of the Lower V and Middle V (Grades 8 and 9) academic curriculum has been re-designed into modules to reduce academic stress and an overwhelming number of subjects. It has also allowed for the introduction of our innovative new module on Ethical Thinking to protect the mental and emotional well-being of our pupils.

FET Curriculum
The FET (Further Education and Training) phase (Grades 10-12) requires our pupils to select a minimum of seven subjects. We are in the fortunate position of offering the opportunity for pupils to take an eighth subject if they wish.

Cognitive Education
The Cognitive Education Programme underpins the entire curriculum at Roedean, from Grade 0 to Matric, and plays a large part in building an effective learning community, with the goal of producing independent, creative, critical, reflective, and ethical thinkers who will be equipped to thrive in the rapidly changing world in which they will work and live.

Mathematics and the Sciences
The Roedean School vision around Mathematics and both Life Sciences and Physical Sciences is for every pupil to feel empowered to tackle these historically male-dominated fields with confidence and enjoyment.

Information Technology Integration
While current classrooms and curricula were developed to address the needs of an industrial age of factory production, we now face a new industrial age of artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems.

International Success
A curriculum suited to an
inter-connected world
Senior School Academics
Highly Competitive in a global market.
While it is always gratifying that our pupils enjoy overwhelming success in their placement, in the courses of their choice, at local universities, we are also very proud of those girls who have gained places at international universities, as this illustrates the international competitiveness of the education offered at Roedean.
Senior School Academics
Academic Events