Our Responsibilities
The PTA has the following responsibilities:
- Collect funds, to accept donations, bequests or legacies, and to hold, invest, realise and reinvent such funds;
- Organise and hold functions for fund-raising or social purposes, and to support the activities of the School;
- Assist financially or otherwise in the provision of additional facilities, academic or otherwise, which the Executive Headmistress, considers of benefit to the School;
- Expend funds received by the PTA in pursuance of the objects of the PTA.
In all its activities and in the fulfilment of its objects, the PTA shall co-operate with the School, the Board, the Executive Headmistress and staff on any matters desired by them and shall acknowledge the authority of the Board and the Executive Headmistress in all matters of policy, education, finance, property, organisation, administration and discipline of the School.