Parent Teacher's Association (PTA)

Who We Are

Who We Are

All parents and guardians of students attending the School shall become members of the PTA for as long as that student remains in the School. All teachers who enter into permanent employment with the School shall become members of the PTA for as long as they are so employed. Members of the PTA shall not be required to pay any subscription or membership fee in respect of their membership of the PTA.

The Executive Committee of the Roedean PTA is constituted as a standing committee of the Board of Directors of Roedean. It consists of between 15 and 25 parents, collectively elected in the Junior School and in the Senior School, the Executive Headmistress, the head of the Junior School, and a representative of the South African Old Roedeanian Association (SAORA). One member of the committee has a seat on the Roedean Board.

Contact us

Bookshop Administrator - Mercy  Kena

Email: Tel: +27 11 647 3261